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Invest in Hydrogen


  • Hydrogen is seen by many as the clean energy of the future
  • Invest in hydrogen to benefit from the decarbonization trend
  • Investing in hydrogen can be done through hydrogen stocks or Hydrogen ETF

Risk of investing in hydrogen: You may lose money up to the total loss of your investment due to technological risk, risk of investing in small companies or risk of limited diversification. Investment in hydrogen includes risk.

Invest in Hydrogen and Join the Race for Net Zero

Hydrogen is a fuel of the renewable energy future. Investing in hydrogen stocks is a way for investors to track growing production and use of the gas.

Over time, hydrogen is heralded as one of the great hopes for decarbonizing the global economy. Hydrogen will need to fill gaps where electricity cannot easily replace fossil fuels. This includes using hydrogen-based fuels for ships and planes, as well as in heavy industries like steel and chemicals.

Yet, there remains a shortfall between hydrogen production capacity and use in the economy on the one hand, and what’s needed to reach a net zero economy by 2050 on the other, according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).1 That’s despite hydrogen production capacity rising and governments around the world adopting hydrogen strategies. This creates a potentially positive case for investing in hydrogen.

1 IEA Net Zero by 2050 Scenario.

What is Hydrogen?

Hydrogen is a natural gas, consisting of two hydrogen atoms, with the chemical symbol H2. It is the lightest element and the most abundant substance in the universe. Two hydrogen atoms with an oxygen atom make up a water molecule (H2O).

The hydrogen colour spectrum – when planning to invest in hydrogen, it is important to note that not all hydrogen is environmentally friendly. At the moment, most hydrogen is produced from fossil fuels and is known as ‘grey’. Hydrogen is described using the following color codes, which refer to its environmental credentials.

How to Invest in Hydrogen?

Investors can invest in hydrogen via different means:

Hydrogen ETF is a relatively cost-efficient way to invest in hydrogen in a diversified manner. The VanEck Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF invests in 25 hydrogen stocks from all over the world.

VanEck Hydrogen Economy UCITS ETF


  • Invest in hydrogen-related companies at the forefront of the revolution that is transforming the clean energy economy
  • Benefit from rising demand in clean energy solutions
  • Pure-play focus on hydrogen stocks
  • ESG Filter

Risk indication: 6 out of 7

Lower risk: Typically lower reward

Higher risk: Typically higher reward

Risks of Investing in Hydrogen

As hydrogen is a relatively new technology, investing in hydrogen carries several risks. Among others, these include:


Some of the technologies associated with hydrogen production are still being developed. Predictions for large-scale applications might not materialize. Alternative technologies, like batteries, might take up a larger share of future growth than expected. This is one of the factors to take into account when planning to invest in hydrogen.

For more information on risks, please see the “Risk Factors” section of the relevant Fund’s prospectus, available on

Why Invest in VanEck ETFs?

  • Since we were founded in 1955 we have constantly been at the forefront of innovation, giving you access to new opportunities like gold funds, emerging market funds and ETFs.
  • We are privately-held, allowing us to focus on our clients’ long-term interests.
  • Our ETFs are transparent: they acquire the underlying securities (no synthetic replication). Securities are not lent out.*
* This only holds for VanEck’s European ETFs.
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