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Always Building

For nearly 70 years, VanEck has sought to identify trends—economic, technological, political and social—that shape financial markets. We consider whether these create opportunities, perhaps even new asset classes, or present potential risks to existing portfolios. Through intelligently designed, competitively priced solutions we empower investors to gain exposure effectively.

Recently, we have taken significant strides to increase investor access to cryptocurrencies and remain committed to arming investors with knowledge. We’re builders not just observers.

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The world changes too much to leave portfolios on auto-pilot. Use our tool to help align your interests and needs with investments in order to achieve your goals and enhance your portfolio.

What to watch in the markets and the global economy from CEO Jan van Eck and our investment professionals

The VanEck Bitcoin ETF (HODL) offers cost-efficient exposure to Bitcoin through an ETF.


Discover and gain an understanding of bitcoin, ethereum, and other digital assets and the role they play within a portfolio.

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